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Make Privacy Policies Understandable with the power of AI.

  1. Share Privacy Policy URL:

  2. Enter Your Email Address:

  3. Generate URL & Pay with Stripe:

    Instantly receive a unique URL upon submission; please note that while the link is provided immediately, it may take up to 5 minutes for the fully simplified, human-readable privacy policy to load on the page.

  4. Understand Your Privacy Policy Better:

    Advanced parsing technology simplifies jargon, legal terms, and complexities, breaking down the policy into easy-to-understand language.
  5. Stay Informed and Empowered:

    Gain insights into how your data is handled. Understand your rights and make informed decisions to protect your privacy online.


Privacy is the top priority. Cutting-edge encryption and secure protocols are utilized to protect your data. Personal information remain confidential. The email address is exclusively used for communication and is never shared or sold. The website is currently at MVP stage. by reider340