- 2024.01.31 16:31:37

  • This policy states that Slack collects, uses, and shares personal data. 🚨
  • If you do not accept the privacy policy, you cannot use their services or websites, limiting consumer choice. ⚠️
  • The privacy policy does not apply to third-party apps or software that integrate with Slack, meaning those have their own policies that may further infringe on user privacy. ⚠️
  • The organization or person (like your employer) that set up the Slack workspace controls its services and any associated data, meaning others can access information you share on Slack. 🚨🚨
  • If you've been invited to join a Workspace but aren't yet a member, your data privacy is in the hands of the person or organization that invited you. ⚠️
  • The policy mentions collecting personal information, though specifics about what is collected aren't provided. 🚨- Your data may be transferred internationally, including to South Korea and the United States, potentially subjecting it to different privacy laws. 🚩
  • Your information is used to respond to your requests, comments, and questions, and may be used to send you service emails and other communications, including changes in services and security notices. 🟠

  • You cannot opt out of these service-related communications. 🟥

  • Your workspace and account information, as well as usage information, is used for billing, account management, and other administrative matters. 🟠

  • Your information is used to send marketing emails and other communications and users will need to manually opt out if they don't wish to receive these. 🟡

  • Slack may share your information in accordance with a customer's instructions and with appropriate consent. Who the customer shares your information with or discloses it to is beyond Slack's control. 🚩- Administrators can enable or disable users' use of certain features, giving them control over user experience. 🟠

  • Personal information such as email addresses may be displayed with user profiles, potentially exposing them to unwanted contacts. 🟡

  • The platform allows collaboration across different workspaces, which may lead to sharing of your profile information. 🟡

  • Other authorized users or users outside of your workspace may find your profile searchable or discoverable, depending on your workspace settings. 🟠

  • Workspace owners and admin can access, modify, or restrict access to your information. 🔴

  • Your employer may use features of the services to access or modify your profile details. 🔴

  • Third-party service providers can access your information as well. 🟠- Slack uses your Personal Data for legitimate interests unless you object to it. 👁️

  • Slack may use your Personal Data for direct marketing and you can object. 👁️

  • Slack collects personal information like identifiers/contact information, commercial information, internet activity data, financial data, geolocation info, audio and visual data, and inferences from these. 👁️

  • Slack does not sell your personal information but can share it with third-party advertisers for targeting ads on non-Slack platforms. ☠️

  • Slack allows third parties to collect personal info from their sites/services if they agree to certain limitations. 👁️

  • Slack will not sell personal information without providing a right to opt out. 🔄