- 2023.11.14 22:49:05

  • SigridAI may ask for your passport details and flight and hotel preferences, potentially revealing private travel information. 🛑
  • You can provide SigridAI with details and passwords of your frequent flyer program and/or hotel loyalty program, enabling them to access these sensitive accounts. ⚠️
  • They will collect personal data about or relating to third party individuals, such as your emergency contacts, potentially exposing their information as well. 🛑
  • If you don't provide all requested information during the onboarding, the level of service you receive may be adversely impacted, pressuring you into sharing more personal data. ⚠️
  • You may provide additional personal data at any time to enable your Executive Assistant to serve you better, broadening their access to your personal information. ⚠️
  • SigridAI will store all personal data collected in its Client Fact Book and Client Secure Vault, potentially exposing it to breaches. 🛑
  • SigridAI will use and disclose the personal data they collect from you for various purposes, which are not clearly defined. 🚩