- 2023.11.15 06:07:10

  • The service collects some information about your connection to a VPN server including user ID and/or IP address and connection timestamps, but this data is deleted within 15 minutes after your session ends. 🟢

  • The service collects anonymous “traffic information” on their website, which includes information about which pages visitors visit and how long visitors stay on a particular page. 🟠

  • They also collect information about what browser, network, or device is used to visit the website. 🟠

  • Your IP address and a unique identifier of your device are retained by the service when you visit their website. 🔴

  • The legal basis for the processing of this data is the company's interest in analyzing and improving the performance of their website and user experience. 🟢

  • They process limited information related to the use of their services such as registration information (e-mail, account). 🟡- This Privacy Policy collects the minimum required user's data to provide services. ⚠️

  • User's personal information relevant to the service is retained for the duration of service usage and for no more than 2 years after they stop using it. ⚠️
  • If you use the Smart DNS services, your IP address is stored for as long as you use the service. ⚠️
  • Information is stored to improve the website performance and user experience until the deletion of your account. 🟢
  • Personal information which is needed to offer services is processed as long as you use them or have given consent, and for 2 years thereafter. ⚠️
  • Personal data required for communication is stored for no longer than 2 years, except device information for troubleshooting, stored for maximum 7 days. 🟢
  • Your data is processed as long as you are registered on a specific social media network, when interacting via social media. ⚠️
  • Personal information needed for internet advertising is processed for 30 days. 🟡
  • For the Surfshark Alert service, monitored data isn't stored unless you choose to save it. 🟢
  • In certain situations such as unresolved account issues, legal obligations, security reasons, your information can be stored even if you request deletion. ⚠️
  • None of this information can be stored or processed anywhere around the globe where the company has facilities, or engages service providers. 🟡- The service cannot guarantee the security of any information you provide online. 🚨
  • The website does not respond to 'do not track' signals. 🚨
  • Blocking all cookies may prevent you from enjoying full features of the website. ☢️
  • Information is collected from you whether you access the website from mobile phone, tablet or laptop. 🚨
  • The English version of this privacy policy is the authoritative version, any translated version may not be up-to-date or comprehensive. 🟢
  • The Policy can be updated in the future and it's the user's responsibility to check regularly. ⚠️